At the heart of the Centauri Care provision is safeguarding, safety and the well-being of our children, young people and staff. All of our staff will be trained so they know their responsibilities in relation to protecting children and young people. We recognise safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, for services to be effective each professional and organisation should play their full part. Centauri Care is dedicated to fully comply with relevant legislation, statutory guidance for good practice to ensure the safety and welfare of our children and young people.

To ensure services are effective, we base our practice on a clear understanding of the views and needs of children and young people. It is also our policy to use following values and principles:
- Ensure the safety and welfare of the children and young people we support is paramount
- Develop a culture of listening to children and young people, taking account of their wishes and feelings, both in individual decisions and the development of services
- Ensure all children and young people regardless of age, sex, racial heritage, sexual orientation, religious belief, disability or identity have the right to equal protection from all types of harm and abuse
- Centauri Care recognise safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility to ensure the service is effective. Therefore, working in close partnership with children, their parents, carers and other agencies is essential to safeguard children and promote their welfare
- Have a designated professional to take lead responsibility for safeguarding children/young people who will liaise with local statutory children’s services agencies as appropriate.
- Provisions are in place for effective information sharing and inter-agency collaboration to safeguard children and promote their welfare;
- To follow safe recruitment practice and personnel management practices for individuals the organisation will permit to work with children/young people; including arrangements for appropriate checks on new colleagues, carers and volunteers
- Ensure staff complete appropriate safeguarding training that enables them to recognise signs of potential abuse and neglect. Keep these skills up to date with refresher training at regular intervals and ensure that all colleagues, including temporary colleagues and volunteers who work with children, are made aware of the company’s internal safeguarding procedures
- Provide appropriate supervision and support for staff to ensure that all staff know the procedures for safeguarding children and know who to go to for further advice and support
- Ensure staff are aware of the indicators and types of abuse and how to respond
- Instilling a culture of listening to and engaging in discussion with children – seeking their views in ways appropriate to their age and understanding, and taking account of those both in individual decisions and the establishment or development and improvement of services
- Having a clear understanding of how to work together to help keep children safe on-line by being effectively equipped to understand, identify and mitigate the risks of new technology
- Proper Whistle- Blowing procedures and a culture that enables issues about safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children to be addressed
- Having a clear understanding of how to work together to help keep children safe on-line by being effectively equipped to understand, identify and mitigate the risks of new technology