Our Therapeutic Approach

Therapeutic Approach

Centauri Care operates on the belief that each child is unique and deserves personalised care, attention, and opportunities to thrive. Our committed staff members are not just highly skilled professionals, they’re also compassionate individuals who genuinely understand the needs and challenges faced by the children they care for. We achieve this by using therapeutic approaches along with the WeAllBeam digital program which helps address emotional, psychological, and behavioural aspects of a child’s well-being.

We use a Person-Centred model when counselling young people and staff, this enables everyone to share how they feel and helps them to take a lead in making changes to their own mental health.   We work closely with Rachel Glasspool from Go Talk Therapy, a psychotherapist with over 20 years of experience working therapeutically with both the children and our staff.

Rachel and the We All Beam team are all qualified professionals have created an app that enables children and staff access to instant easy to understand data which identifies how the children and staff feel about any mental health issues they may be experiencing.

The core principles of Person-Centred Counselling

  • Empathy – Your counsellor will do their best to understand you and your experiences by learning to ‘walk in your shoes’. 
  • Unconditional Positive Regard – Your counsellor will care about you and not make any judgements about who you are, your lifestyle or the decisions you have made.
  • Congruence – Your counsellor will be honest with you.
  • Confidential – Everything you say in the counselling room will be confidential, except when you or someone else may be harmed.
  • Focus – Your counsellor will help you focus on what issues are bothering you.
  • Safety – Your counsellor will work with you to feel safe in the counselling room to get what you need from counselling.
  • With the right support, everyone has the ability to change and grow.
  • A positive, supportive and caring relationship can help that change.
  • You are the person who knows what is best for you.

Rachel and her team understand how important it is to ensure they use an holistic approach and adapt individual therapies to meet the needs of the young people and our staff, whilst understanding the children in our care may have had a lot of different experiences therefore, it’s important to tailor the therapy to meet their needs. 

Therapeutic Methods



Rational Emotional Behaviour Therapy

Play Therapy


Play Acceptance Curiosity Empathy

Object Relation Therapy


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy